I've created this pkg for the BCES version.
My first pkg contribuition to the scene!

Since I created this while on my job I dind't tested it.
I have a working online pass and all 3rd costumes unlocker's pkg in my externel HDD at home. If this pkg works I'll create a new one with a proper online pass (if this one is not working) and all 3rd costume unlocker.
Some of the 4th costumes unlocker don't work (like Toro for example. The file for it is there but it simply don't work at all). This came from Hero Q8's pkg.

Please report if this is working and if the link go dead.

Joe: Fell absolutelly free to put it on your thread!

-Hero Q8 for creating and fixing the pkg for US version.
-Me for creating a proper pkg for the BCES version that (I hope) works.